Thursday, March 24, 2011

A brief taste of spring.

Spring teased us for a few days.  I got to fire up the motorcycle for for a day.  The pod has a hatch design now but, wouldn't you know, the weather has turned and now I'm back to less outdoorsey things.  The solar electric system is sitting in the computer room at the house doing its thing through a South facing window.  In four more weeks I should see some blossoms on the pear trees unless things stay chilly.  Camping season is just around the corner.  Still need tires and a license plate for the pod.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nearly Spring

The second day of March and the second day of sunshine.  The pod beckons.  I untarped the project this morning to let the inside dry out a bit.  Even with the tarps I still get water inside.  One more sheet of plywood and the living quarters will be covered.
The second battery for the power supply should arrive this week. I'll pick up the solar panel in a few more weeks.

I should start posting project pictures soon.