Monday, February 14, 2011

I almost have the power.

It's mid February and I've gathered up my 12 volt 8 amp/hour battery, a charge controller and a 200/400 Watt power inverter.  Solar panel to follow once I get the roof on.  I'm looking at an additional wind powered generator to supplement the solar.  If you are doing the math, that is 96 watts of available power for a little less than 1 hour, minus the inefficiencies of the inverter. This is a camper, I got no good reason to need the equivalent of a 100 watt light bulb anywhere.  We'll see.  I'm also planning on adding several more batteries during the year.

Water storage has been designed.  I'll be good for storing 6 gallons. Water collection design will follow, kind of like the wind power idea.

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